Surviving Comiccon!

May 11, 2016 Dylan McEvoy 0

Can you feel it? There’s an electricity in the air as if thousands of like-minded nerds of all fandoms will be gathering all into one location. Over the course of

Nerdy Fact #37

May 9, 2016 Dylan McEvoy 0

Did you know? When initially conceived for the first Star Wars film, Lightsabers were going to be the weapon of choice for Han Solo as well as Darth Vader’s Stormtrooper

Nerdy Fact #36

May 6, 2016 Dylan McEvoy 0

Did you know? J.J. Abrams specifically requested that Rey’s costume in Star Wars: The Force Awakens look simple enough that children could doodle it while sitting in class. Now that

Nerdy Fact #35

May 1, 2016 Dylan McEvoy 0

Did you know? The motion capture process used on Mark Ruffalo in “The Avengers” was so intricate that The Hulk even had the actors fingerprints!