Nerdy fact #51

July 7, 2016 Dylan McEvoy 0

Did You Know? Michael Jackson wanted to be Spider-Man in a movie so bad that he tried to buy Marvel Comics in the 1990s? Michael had met up with Stan

Nerdy Fact #42

June 28, 2016 Dylan McEvoy 0

Did You Know? Batman creator Bob Kane originally designed the Batsuit as a red jumpsuit with bat wings and a small black domino mask that revealed Bruce Wayne’s blond hair.

Nerdy Fact #39

June 9, 2016 Dylan McEvoy 0

Did you know? According to Forbes Magazine, Tony Stark (Iron Man) is $2.4 Billion richer than Bruce Wayne (Batman). Secondary Fun Fact: There are 536 Billionaires in the United States

Alter Ego: Comics and Canadian Identity

Alter Ego Unmasks Canadian Superheroes

June 8, 2016 Robyn Huculak 0

‘Alter Ego: Comics and Canadian Identity’ explores the ‘Canadian Identity Question’ through the unique lens of comic books, graphic novels, World War II propaganda, and Canadian superheroes. The exhibition features reproductions of art by Canadian comic book artists, favorite superheroes from the Marvel and DC universes drawn by Canadians, along with some of Canada’s own finest superheroes, and more!

Comic Book Origins: Deathstroke

April 28, 2016 Dylan McEvoy 0

Slade Wilson, otherwise known as Deathstroke, was genetically modified to be the perfect super soldier. Welcome to the first instalment of Comic Book Origins! As with most comic book characters,