3 things you might not know about Yoda- Part 2

6. George Lucas didn’t want Frank Oz as Yoda

You read this right, even though Frank Oz has played Yoda since day one, George did not intend to have him play his iconic character. When Oz had sent his audition tape for his planned voice of Yoda, Lucas rejected it and continued auditions for the role.

Eventually, Lucas decided to let Oz take the role of Yoda. Once taping was done, Lucas did a complete 180 and would think that Oz would deserve an Oscar. Despite putting thousands of dolalrs into an Oscar campaign to receive the Best Supporting Actor, Oz was never nominated as they had felt a puppeteer is not an actor.


We will continue our 3 things you didn’t know about Yoda in Part 3!





About Dylan McEvoy 250 Articles
Born into a military family, Dylan was not in one spot for a long time, though his nerdy ways followed him wherever he went. Finally settling down in Ottawa to start his career, he pursued a hobby and wished to share his love of Nerdyness with others. And thus, The Nerd is the Word was born!

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