Pokémon Go – The good, the bad and the ugly!

While I have been doing my best to avoid writing anything about Pokémon Go… it is literally everywhere you go! Pokémon Go was released on July 6, 2016 which would make today the 11th day it has been available to the public. Most mobile, console or PC games released would have fizzled out of the media within a few days but Pokémon Go remains on top of the media food chain.

Let’s start off with the good!

Pokémon Go has already added a mind-boggling $7.5 billion to Nintendo’s market value (Nintendo is an investor both the Pokémon Company the company that created the app). Pokémon Go is also currently the #1 app in the US, Australia, and New Zealand. While most videogames require you to sit on the couch, pokemon go forces you to lace up your shoes, hit the road and go out on an adventure. While there has been a massive push over the last few years to get children away from their TV and be more active, Pokémon Go seems to be the middle line where they still get the game that they crave while also getting outside and being active. Oddly enough, Pokémon Go has also created jobs – while they may not be the most steady jobs around, people are actually being paid to walk around and catch Pokémon for you, drive you around to catch Pokémon or have small cantines set up at Pokestops to grab a cold drink or a snack.


While there is quite a bit of good, there is also a fair amount of bad!

Sometime you need to be the best, like no one ever was. To catch them is your real test and to train them is your cause. You will travel across the land, searching far and wide! While searching far and wide you may end up with a few injuries. While the odd scraped knee is fairly common while playing outside, there have been quite a few major injuries reported while playing this addictive game. Some of the injuries include falling off a cliff, fractured foot, car accidents, getting hit by cars and so much more. While texting and driving use to be a major threat to drivers, the new threat is now Pokémon Go and driving!

Moving away from the danger the game puts people in, we must mention the servers. While the game has now been released to over 25 countries, the servers have crashed many more times than countries it’s running in! While this may not be the worst thing about the game, we have to admit – it can be quite annoying!

Last but not least, let’s get to the ugly!

People will do whatever it takes to catch that legendary Pokémon, this could mean anything from walking into a dark alley at night, hopping a fence, breaking and entering and much much more. There have been several instances where people have gone to such lengths as to lure players of the game into a dark ally where they would trap them, armed with guns and rob them on the spot. There have also been several instances where people have been charged for breaking and entering, locations include the zoo, churches, houses and other well known landmarks!

While people may be enjoying their game and being none the wiser, the thing that bugs me most personally is how oblivious people can be. While some businesses have jumped on the bandwagon and have made major profit off of the hype, some local landmarks are being mistreated such as the Holocaust Museum. Both the Holocaust Museum and cemetary contain a Pokestop which has been gathering hundreds of unknowing players disrespecting the graves of those affected.


In the end, Pokémon Go has been Good, bad and ugly for all those playing it. One would not have expected how much influence this game has taken on people’s lives – even for those who are not playing it! How long do you think this game will remain relevant and in the media? Do you play Pokémon go? Let us know what you think about the game and how it’s been affecting peoples lives.






About Dylan McEvoy 250 Articles
Born into a military family, Dylan was not in one spot for a long time, though his nerdy ways followed him wherever he went. Finally settling down in Ottawa to start his career, he pursued a hobby and wished to share his love of Nerdyness with others. And thus, The Nerd is the Word was born!

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