Rest in Peace – R2-D2

August 15, 2016 Dylan McEvoy 0

It comes with a heavy heart that we found out that Kenny Baker, the 3′ 8″ actor best known for playing R2-D2 in the first six Star Wars films, has sadly

Nerdy Fact #59

July 20, 2016 Dylan McEvoy 0

Did You Know? Peter Mayhew, who played Chewbacca in the original Star Wars trilogy, had been wheelchair-bound since 2011 due to his old age and height. However, when he found

Nerdy Fact #57

July 16, 2016 Dylan McEvoy 0

Did You Know? Al Pacino was originally considered for the role of Han Solo! Pacino was famously offered the role of Han Solo before Harrison Ford but turned it down

Nerdy Fact #43

June 29, 2016 Dylan McEvoy 0

Did You Know? The Star Wars Tales comic series introduced a group of Rebel soldiers based on the Fantastic Four, with each character killed off in a similar style to