Let’s start off with Bane without Venom
Bane’s strength and physique is at its peak and is slightly superior to the likes of Batman or other athletes.
- Physical Strength: Even without Venom, Bane is shown to still be stronger than Batman, able to lift/press approximately 1,500 lbs. Without Venom, Bane has proven capable of breaking Killer Croc‘s bones and standing toe-to-toe with other superhumans. He has also performed feats such as snapping steel cables that were used to shackle him, and denting and deforming an iron gate after punching it off of its hinges.
- Speed: Despite his heavily muscled appearance, Bane is shown to be a surprisingly fast runner, as he’s been shown to be able to keep up with the more slender member of the Secret Six with ease.
- Durability: Even without the Venom drug, Bane has proven to be phenomenally durable. Examples include shrugging off bull090ets to the shoulder and other areas, and withstanding the torture of having numerous bricks thrown at all areas of his body.
Now how does this compare to Bane with Venom?
Bane utilizes the super-steroid known as Venom to enhance his own physical attributes to superhuman levels, namely his strength, durability, speed, and endurance.
- Superhuman Strength: The primary effect of the Venom drug is that it enhances his strength to low superhuman levels depending on how much is injected into him. At the maximum healthy amount he can inject into himself, he is able to lift around 3-4 tons. He is ultimately capable of exceeding this limit and be able to lift over 4 tons, though not without momentarily losing his sanity.
- Enhanced Speed/Reflexes: His speed and reflexes are also enhanced with Venom, making him able to run, move, and react beyond the limits of the finest human athlete.
- Superhuman Endurance/Stamina/Durability: With the use of Venom, his stamina and endurance is greatly enhanced. His durability is heightened sufficiently to shrug off most blunt force trauma, yet he is not completely bulletproof. He can withstand blows from most superhumans, withstand falls from great heights, and possibly more.
- Superhuman Healing: He can also use Venom as a type of medicine that can heal him from most injury, poison, wound, infection, and disease.
Genius-Level Intellect: He possesses a genius-level intellect and is one of Batman’s most intelligent foes.
- Eidetic Memory: He has an eidetic memory, which borders on almost total recall. This enables him to memorize virtually anything.
- Polymath: He is exceptionally knowledgeable in various subjects including various Sciences, History, Geology, Medicine, and several others.
- Polylingual: He is able to speak fluent Spanish, German, French, Russian, Mandarin, English, Urdu, Farsi, and Latin.
As you can see this is a large increase in strength and in abilities once Bane has Venom… but now how does he compare to others in the DC Universe?
Superman. Based on his original 1930’s comic strip
- Super Strength: The character was depicted as having the ability to move large vehicles, including cars, trains, and ships.
- Super Speed: Superman could run faster than an express train.
- could leap over an 8th of a mile or over a tall building
Superman’s strength seems to be equal to those of Banes with Venom. Later on in the Superman comics, he is able to bench press the world and move planets effortlessly… We wont even go further into detail.
known as one of the worlds best mercenaries in the world. When you think about it, there is no way that he could be stronger than Bane right? It’s debateable. Deathstroke has broken enemy swords with ease with a single hand… think of it this way, bone is comparable to steel in strength… it takes anywhere between 3000-4000 newtons (700-900lbs) to snap a rib bone. Deathstroke does this with ease with one hand… He may be able to compete with Bane without venom but once Bane gets his fix, Bane has the upper hand in strength.
We can continue comparing Banes strength to other DC Universe characters, but not all characters are focused on strength. Some may not be as strong physically as Bane but have magic powers, or super smarts osuper speed. In the end we can easily say that in the Batman storyline Bane is one of the strongest characters. Batman will have to rely on his skills and strategy to take out this big boy!